make this year a book selling year!

Finally! A Clear, Step-By-Step Plan to Market Your Books & Build a Strong Business Foundation . . .

Without Stressing Over Time, Money, or Sales!

You've written your book, the hard part . . . you thought. Now it's time to start marketing your book. And you find that you are struggling with:

* Too many conflicting ideas on what to do

* Lack of confidence in promoting your book

* Feeling lost with the social media options

* Throwing money away on ads that don't work

* Tech issues like website design & SEO

* Metadata, keywords, categories, Oh My!

Are You Ready to Fast Track Your Author Business?


It's easy to get caught up in the hype of a new marketing tactic, or fall into the trap of the fear of missing out!! You find yourself jumping from tactic to tactic, getting more and more frustrated that you're not seeing the sales others are. You blame yourself and fear and doubt creep into your writing. What if your stories are just not good enough and you were not meant to be a writer?!


Instead you are chasing marketing tactic after tactic hoping this latest tactic is the answer. TikTok or Clubhouse anyone?! You spend hours researching and learning marketing tactics - Facebook Ads, Amazon Ads, BookBub Ads, 99c promo stacking - and the list goes on. And just when you think you have a handle on things, another social media channel pops up that you just have to be on! When do you get to write?!

You've been letting everyone know on social media about your books but you feel invisible and unheard

You're spending hours creating images, videos and content and not only do you feel like no-one is listening but you have less and less time to write. You're a writer, for Pete's sake, not a graphic designer! And, why should you bother with being social, when nothing seems to work?!

Writing your book was just the START of your author business.

. . . before you can reap the rewards, you must get your book out there.

I can show you the system and tools that I have used to sell over 3 million books . . .

and take self-published fiction authors to the Amazon Bestsellers list, the USA Today Bestsellers list, and the New York Times Bestsellers list.

Introducing Narelle Todd

Your 7-Figure Book Selling Coach

Hi Narelle here, and I'm here to help you become the next Best Selling Author!

I can help you fast track your author business.

I'm a 7-figure book selling coach, who has helped self-published fiction authors sell over 3 million books.

Are you ready for your books to be read and to begin your career as a professional writer?

There's a lot of confusion around marketing for self-published authors and I'm here to help clear the confusion. I can take you step-by-step through setting up your author business so you have a clear vision for your business and have a marketing plan that is perfect for YOU!

Just imagine how it will feel

when you kickstart your author business & grow your sales

Don't do this alone. Fast track and eliminate the frustrations!

You'll have the guidance,

confidence, checklists,

& the social media plan

so that you can fast track

your author business . . . without

• Lost Time....

• Wasted Money....

• Technology Frustrations

• Mindset Obstacles

your marketing foundation

To be a successful author, you need to have a solid foundation supporting your writing. Implement the strategies to grow your readership & sales.

step-by-step plan

We are going to go deep on your business plan & reader avatar so that you have the clarity you need about the steps to take to make your publishing dream a reality.

promo strategies that sell

We share with you strategies to attract new readers to you. Done consistently, these simple yet effective promo strategies will keep you selling books.

connection with readers

Identify your ideal reader so you can create marketing that draws them to you to buy your books and tell their friends and create a loyal fan base.


Be everywhere on social media with your tailored content and image social media calendar that takes you from wondering what to post next to being the Queen of social.

build your engaged list

Building your subscriber list is one key business builder and we show you, not only how to build your own list but, how to nurture it and keep your open rates high.

scroll-stopping images

Discover how to create scroll-stopping images and memes with our social media image templates without wasting all your time and money.

Just imagine how great it's going to feel to know exactly what to do, when, and how when you implement these strategies.

Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint

Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint . . .

Is a 12-month online training & coaching program that shows you exactly how to bring your dream of being a successful author to life, while finding more time to write!

  • 1:1 laser-focused coaching
  • Yearly social media plan
  • Mindset strengthening exercises
  • Website design & SEO
  • Metadata
  • Book & Series blurbs
  • Social media ads


live coaching

You'll receive two live 1:1 coaching sessions plus you'll have weekly coaching Q&A sessions for 52 weeks. We'll go deep on your business plan and reader avatar so that you will have the clarity you need about the steps to take your publishing dream a reality.

weekly training modules

New training modules will be released each week for a total of nine training components. These are step-by-step easy to follow training so you will learn exactly what to do to market your program. No more chasing every shiny new marketing tactic.

templates & Checklists

The gold is in the details, and in this case the templates. You'll have access to the book media & book press kits, social media ad templates, book launch checklist, social media calendar, yearly marketing plan, and a 3-year business plan, plus so much more.

You'll have the blueprint, the strategies, and the personal coaching support to get your book out there!

Who This is NOT for:

Now, before we go any further, I highly respect your time so here is who this is for and who this is not for.

First, this is NOT for you:

  • If you do not have any time to do the activities and put the effort in to learn.
  • If you are not prepared to take ongoing action. This is not a do-it-one-day-and-never-work-again solution.
  • If following directions is not your thing.
  • If you believe you don't need to market to sell your books.
  • If you write stories where dubious consent, violence, hatred or cruelty are OK.

Then this is not for you and you can close this page now.

Who This is for:

Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint is for you . . .

  • If you are willing to create a cohesive marketing message that will guide your marketing tactics.
  • If you are tired of chasing after marketing tactics but nothing sticks for you.
  • If you are looking for a proven and reliable way to sell more books and reclaim your writing time.
  • If you sometimes get frustrated or overwhelmed trying to make sense of all the contradictory advice out there.
  • If you are open to heartfelt frank and honest feedback - and some good laughs - because you know that you don't know what you don't know.

Then this is for you!

So What's the Price?

Well, that's a great question!

When I consult with private clients, it is normally $1,000 an hour to get in.

As you can see, with Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint and all the bonuses, today you are getting well over $7,000 worth of value!

But it is not going to be anywhere near as much . . .

My past graduates continue to work with me because they value my ability to recommend marketing tactics that are specific to their books and my straight-talking feedback which comes from my one hundred percent commitment to their continued growth.

Plus, I'm pretty funny! 😂

Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint is your chance to work with me personally without the big price tag AND tap into our community of authors who believe in helping others rise.

You can enroll right now with one payment of $2,497 and receive an additional 1 hour 1:1 coaching session..


You can also take my payment plan of just twelve easy payments of $220.

So here's what I want you to do next... take a chance on yourself and let's grow your author business

Click the button below to get started.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are totally committed to your success & satisfaction!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are totally committed to your success and your satisfaction with our programs, products or services is important to us. We aim to give you great content, direction and strategies to move you forward faster. Our programs, products and services work best for those clients who are 100% committed to their own success and willing to do the work to achieve that success.

We do not make any guarantees about your own results as your results will vary and depend on many factors. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us. Because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and/or providing our Programs, Products, and Services, we have a very clear refund policy. Most of our content is digital and a lengthy refund policy could result in the theft of our materials and intellectual property.

Unless otherwise provided by law, you acknowledge that no refunds will be provided to you for any of our courses, except under one condition: Please submit evidence that you’ve completed the course modules, done the work, and show that even after taking action, the instructions and methods haven’t worked for you. There are no refunds (and no exceptions) for any portion of your payment for any of our 1:1 coaching or Masterminds. For our full Terms of Service, please go here.

Here's a highlight of how the program works:

01. weekly modules

A new module will be released each week. Everything is taught with very easy and simple action steps so you can get up and running extremely fast.

02. live Q&A sessions

Each week you'll have the opportunity to join in on a Q&A session where you can get your questions answered live. You'll have access to these sessions for 12 months.

03. Laser coaching

You will have two 60-minute 1:1 laser focused coaching strategy sessions so you can have confidence you are on the right track for selling your book. (Check out the bonus session for those who pay in full.)

04. Templates & guides

To name a few of the templates and guides that you will access to include the 5-email welcome sequence templates; book landing page templates; reader magnet; social media ad templates; yearly social media calendar; yearly marketing plan; 3-year business plan; plus the Author Everywhere Course.


Two 1:1 laser coaching sessions (Valued at $2000)

Weekly Q&A calls for 1 year (Valued at $4000)

Nurturing Email Templates (Valued at $477)

Social Media Ad Templates (Valued at $197)

Author Everywhere Course (Valued at $497)

Book Media & Press Kits (Valued at $297)

Book Launch Checklist (Valued at Priceless)

Blurb Series Audit & Feedback (Valued at $250)

Total Value = $7,000.00

Get Started Payment Price = $220 (12 easy payments)

Pay in full bonus Price = $2,497 *

*Bonus - receive an additional 1 hour 1:1 coaching session

Prices are in US dollars.

Now I'm obviously very passionate about Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint

and how it can change your life. But don't take my word for it . . .

'You Removed the Fear!"

Narelle! You have taken a quivering manual-loving, old school old broad, and turned her into an active social media contributor! Imagine. That's a feat I never thought I could tout. You broke the ice in an impressive way. You removed the fear and replaced it with systems that make sense and little bites of the elephant instead of just giving me a knife and fork. You simplified.

You artfully explained. You gave me the tools I needed and the systems you have proven. My sales are UP since I started applying your methods. I could NOT be more thrilled with this course. But above all that, you provided a safe, encouraging and joyous environment for people like me within the group to learn. Even if they were in a vastly different place than was Elementary I! Brilliant.

I would not hesitate to recommend this course or any other you, Narelle Todd come up with. Your expertise is astounding and your delivery is calm and uncomplicated. LOVED it. So grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from the best. Thank you!

"This will fuel our career for years!"

If I had known how much my life would improve after your class, I would’ve broken land speed records to give you my credit card number! I’m so grateful for all the information and tips and tricks you’ve shared with me. The lessons you’ve taught each of us will fuel our careers for years to come! I will follow you and your lessons wherever you go! Many thanks!

- natalie palma, amazon bestselling author

"Thank you for changing my thinking!"

Narelle, this has been an eye opener! They say everything in its own time, right? This was the right time! After publishing several novellas in different formats under two small publishers, I'm making the leap of faith that 2021 is my year of self-pub! Your course helped me understand that strategic marketing is the richly prepared soil that supports a beautiful garden. Thank you so much for changing up my thinking!

- candace colt, amazon bestselling author

So far I have nine books independently published, and I took the Your Signature Get My Book Out There with Facebook Ads courses. What a game changer! My website, was languishing, I didn't understand anything about building good ads and tracking with my fb pixel. That all changed!

In a couple of months, I had learned to refine my ad strategy and ran ads that landed in the 8-10 cent per click range consistently. My traffic soared, and as I revamped my website to capitalize on the steady stream of traffic, I started selling more books!

Doing nothing nets nothing. This course series gave me the tools and strategies, and a firm understanding of why they matter, and moved my ads from money pits to productive spending. Narelle offers a wealth of information and keeps up on platform changes, giving you the best intel to succeed with fb ads. Well worth the time and money!

- winnie winkle, amazon bestselling author

Now I'm obviously very passionate about Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint

and how it can change your life. But don't take my word for it . . .

'You Removed the Fear!"

Narelle! You have taken a quivering manual-loving, old school old broad, and turned her into an active social media contributor! Imagine. That's a feat I never thought I could tout. You broke the ice in an impressive way. You removed the fear and replaced it with systems that make sense and little bites of the elephant instead of just giving me a knife and fork. You simplified.

You artfully explained. You gave me the tools I needed and the systems you have proven. My sales are UP since I started applying your methods. I could NOT be more thrilled with this course. But above all that, you provided a safe, encouraging and joyous environment for people like me within the group to learn. Even if they were in a vastly different place than was Elementary I! Brilliant.

I would not hesitate to recommend this course or any other you, Narelle Todd come up with. Your expertise is astounding and your delivery is calm and uncomplicated. LOVED it. So grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from the best. Thank you!

"This will fuel our career for years!"

If I had known how much my life would improve after your class, I would’ve broken land speed records to give you my credit card number! I’m so grateful for all the information and tips and tricks you’ve shared with me. The lessons you’ve taught each of us will fuel our careers for years to come! I will follow you and your lessons wherever you go! Many thanks!

"Thank you for changing my thinking!"

Narelle, this has been an eye opener! They say everything in its own time, right? This was the right time! After publishing several novellas in different formats under two small publishers, I'm making the leap of faith that 2021 is my year of self-pub! Your course helped me understand that strategic marketing is the richly prepared soil that supports a beautiful garden. Thank you so much for changing up my thinking!

So far I have nine books independently published, and I took the Your Signature Get My Book Out There with Facebook Ads courses. What a game changer! My website, was languishing, I didn't understand anything about building good ads and tracking with my fb pixel. That all changed!

In a couple of months, I had learned to refine my ad strategy and ran ads that landed in the 8-10 cent per click range consistently. My traffic soared, and as I revamped my website to capitalize on the steady stream of traffic, I started selling more books!

Doing nothing nets nothing. This course series gave me the tools and strategies, and a firm understanding of why they matter, and moved my ads from money pits to productive spending. Narelle offers a wealth of information and keeps up on platform changes, giving you the best intel to succeed with fb ads. Well worth the time and money!

-winnie winkle

Let's start selling your books, create that cohesive marketing message,

& reclaim your writing time.

Join us in this proven and reliable way to sell more books, and get up & running fast!

here is what some of our past graduates have to say:

USA Today Bestselling Author

USA Today Bestselling Author

New York Times Bestselling Author

USA Today Bestselling Author

Will you be the Next Best Seller?

Let's make this year YOUR YEAR!

Here's Everything Included with

Your Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint

  • Create your 3-year business plan so you know where you are going to give your focus and keep you calm.
  • Create your yearly Marketing Plan so you know what books to promote and when. Removes all the guesswork & indecision . . . and saves you heaps of time every month!
  • Never wonder what to post on social media again! We give you a yearly Social Media Calendar you can personalize to you and your books, 5 must-have types of social media posts to keep readers coming back, as well as over 500 posts that you can schedule immediately.
  • Social Media Ad templates for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more.
  • Author Everywhere Course so you appear everywhere without spending hours on social.
  • Take the tech overwhelm out of your website with my favorite plugins & automations designed to make your work easier and save you time so you can focus on your writing and marketing.
  • Set up your reader magnet so you can start building your tribe of readers and refine your reader avatar.
  • Use the templates we use for book landing pages so you don't have to work it out for yourself (these have been tested and helped sell over 3 million ebooks).
  • Adapt our 5-email welcome sequence templates and add to your own auto-responder to welcome new subscribers so they feel they made the right decision to join your list.

Watch your dream come true when you implement these strategies to stand out from the crowd, find new readers, and have your book fly off the shelves!


Two 1:1 laser coaching sessions (Valued at $2000)

Weekly Q&A calls for 1 year (Valued at $4000)

Nurturing Email Templates (Valued at $477)

Social Media Ad Templates (Valued at $197)

Author Everywhere Course (Valued at $497)

Book Media & Press Kits (Valued at $297)

Book Launch Checklist (Valued at Priceless)

Blurb Series Audit & Feedback (Valued at $250)

Total Value = $7,000.00

Get Started Payment Price = $220 (12 easy payments)

Pay in full bonus Price = $2,497 *

*Bonus - receive an additional 1 hour 1:1 coaching session

Prices are in US dollars.

These are the questions I get asked the most . . .

Will I sell books with this program?

There are no guarantees that the Signature Get My Book Out There Blueprint will help you sell one or a million books but let's see how many you can sell!

We are here to help by giving you great content, direction and strategies to move you forward faster. We have helped self-published authors sell over 3 million books and make the Amazon, USA Today and New York Times Bestsellers lists multiple times and we want to share our experience and knowledge with you.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. If that's not for you, then we are not the right coach for you so please DO NOT attempt to work with us.

How long does it take to go through?

The course is set over 9 weeks however you can take longer to work through the content if you choose. Set aside 5 hours per week to go through the training and implement. Each week builds on the one before it, so it is important you keep momentum by completing each week's training.

What if Amazon or Facebook or another service provider changes things?

It's a fair bet that Amazon and Facebook® and other services will make changes to the look and feel of their services and products. And that's ok as we will provide you with updates on changes.

What are the other costs?

There are costs to growing your business and each person's budget will vary which is why we share free, low cost and premium software options with you where possible. At a minimum, you will need to have invested in a well written and edited book, a professional book cover, and a well written blurb (we can help you with this last one).

How Long do I have access?

The course will be available to you for the life of the program. The live Q&As are available to you for one year.

Is there a Facebook Support Group? What about a Help Desk?

We have a dedicated Facebook Group just for this course and we are in there answering questions and sharing updates each day.

We also have a dedicated Help Desk for account related queries.

Are you ready to get your book out there?

Sign up today!


Two 1:1 laser coaching sessions (Valued at $2000)

Weekly Q&A calls for 1 year (Valued at $4000)

Nurturing Email Templates (Valued at $477)

Social Media Ad Templates (Valued at $197)

Author Everywhere Course (Valued at $497)

Book Media & Press Kits (Valued at $297)

Book Launch Checklist (Valued at Priceless)

Blurb Series Audit & Feedback (Valued at $250)

Total Value = $7,000.00

Get Started Payment Price = $220 (12 easy payments)

Pay in full bonus Price = $2,497 *

*Bonus - receive an additional 1 hour 1:1 coaching session

Prices are in US dollars.